6 Tech Tools to Try on Monday

Six Tools for You to Try

1.   http://storybird.com 

What is it: Collaborative story-telling website

Use it:

  • create a story

Integration: Any subject but especially language arts

Purpose: Students can work with each other to create a story. If the focus is on storytelling and not drawing/artistry, this tool is useful in that it provides students with images to use.


2.   http://wetoku.com 

What is it? Website for creating broadcasts

Use it:

  • video interviews
  • groupwork

Integration: Any subject but especially useful in languages arts and foreign languages

Purpose: Record an interview/broadcast with a partner


3.   http://www.wordle.net 

What is it? World cloud creator

Use it:

  • artwork
  • spelling/vocabulary
  • data/literature analysis
  • poetry

Integration: Any subject but especially language arts

Purpose: Use words to create a graphical representation of the relative frequency of each word. This may be useful for analyzing texts.

Tip: Try double clicking, right clicking on a word, and advanced options


4.   http://www.bibme.org/ 

What is it: A bibliography creator

Use it:

  • easily create a bibliography using MLA, APA, Chicago or Turbian using online databases
  • view citation guides

Integration: All subjects

Purpose: This tool accesses online databases to automatically complete some of the required information for your bibliography. The citation guides also teach students about methods of attribution.


5.    http://www.popplet.com 

What is it: Online tool for creating graphic organizers

Use it:

  • Collaborative concept mapping/mindmapping
  • Create a timeline

Integration: Organizing ideas/brainstorming in any subject

Purpose: This tool is useful for helping student visualize concepts and the relation between them. It is also useful for presenting information in some sequence.


6.   http://myfakewall.com 

What is it? Fake facebook profile creator

Use it:

  • for autobiographies
  • for profiles
  • for teaching internet safety

Integration: Any subject but especially useful in language arts and social studies

Purpose: Show understanding of a person (through the profile) and his/her connection to other characters/historical figures (through the wall)

Possible issue: The website is ad supported. Ads may be inappropriate for site use with students depending. I don’t recommend using this site with younger students.

Simplek12 recently featured these tools. Watch the seminar (while it’s free) at http://files.simplek12.com/marketing/video/flv_player1.asp?file=5WebtoolsPlusBonus.flv&h=448&w=720. They actually show you each of the tools and a quick introduction to using them.

Related Post:   Using Video in the Classroom

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