A Teacher/Learner’s Vacation

I know that it’s time to head off on holidays because my apartment is the cleanest that it’s been in weeks. I left Nagoya this morning (July 19) for Vancouver. I’m stopping in Vancouver for 2.5 days to visit a couple of friends that I knew in Sudan. They’ve since moves to Congo and me to Japan so we have lots of catching up to do.

From Vancouver, I fly to Denver for ISTE. I get to catch up with another colleague from Sudan who’s moved on to Mauritania. We’re going to spend a couple of days staying with her family in Colorado Springs before moving to Denver for the conference. I’m attending CMK, the leadership bootcamp and ISTE 2010.

From ISTE, I head to Canada to visit family for three weeks before heading back to Japan to teach summer school for two weeks. Then I get 10 days to work through remaining items on my to-do list (most of it work related) before teacher orientation/work begins.

Teachers have long summer holidays. I’m looking forward to enjoying my “holidays”.

Related Post:   New NETS Standards

2 thoughts on “A Teacher/Learner’s Vacation

  1. ktenkely

    Wow, you are one busy girl! Where will you go in Sudan? I feel like I have family over there (I don't) my dad has gone on so many trips there that we have formed close relationships with friends.


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