An (Almost) New Year

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A New Year Began (about a month ago)

I started off my post secondary education in Pure Math but was pulled into the world of computers. I’m passionate about the potential of technology, the way it impacts society on all levels, the way society motivates technological change, and the negotiations that occur between society and technology. In 1959, McLuhan said “In the electronic age, we are threatened by new fast-moving and flexible media – while we sit in a Maginot Line convinced of the importance of our position” (McLuhan). This quotation is still valid over 50 years later because technology in the electronic age continues to evolve, and introduces threats to traditional ways of operation. Children in this age are growing up with a different mindset, a different skill set than what we may be used to.

iPads, Web 2.0, computers, mobile phones and other devices provide opportunities for collaboration, creation, and communication in ways that I couldn’t conceive of when I was a child. This points to the need for adaptation on the part of adults to understand this constantly evolving technology, discussions between adults and children to develop shared understanding and agreements on responsible uses of technology, and a reframing of work, school and play to effectively incorporate many of the tools and technologies that students take for granted.

The partnership between home, school and child is a very important one. I look forward to discussions with all parties this year, and opportunities for all of us to develop our skills of technology use and our understanding of technology as the year progresses. I’ve recently been in touch with the PTA about providing a tech session for parents. The year’s off to a brisk start …

Related Post:   BLOSSOMS


Links to Explore

– Reviews and suggestions of ipad apps

– 10 iconic Steve Jobs moments–jobs-videos/

– A search engine that organizes results by usability level



McLuhan, Stephanie. “Understanding Me.” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 10 Oct. 2003. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.


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