Top 5 Learning2 Quotes
There was a series of thought provoking and inspiring talks at Learning2 Europe 2016. In an effort to be present, I mostly recorded main ideas, next steps, things to think… Read more »
There was a series of thought provoking and inspiring talks at Learning2 Europe 2016. In an effort to be present, I mostly recorded main ideas, next steps, things to think… Read more »
Learning 2 does a very good job of meeting the 6 elements that I’ve identified as crucial to effective professional development. Plan to participate in Learning2, be purposeful about what you participate in and how you do it, reflect after, create goals and next steps, and continue the conversation past the end of the conference.
Green screen is a great addition to story telling to enrich your story. Using a green screen, you can immerse characters of the story into different situations, both static ones… Read more »
This month, Google added a new feature to Google Docs, that shows you an outline of your document. It works on laptops, and Android tablets and smart phones. Take a… Read more »
When I first moved to ISP, IT coaches (officially called Digital Learning Facilitators) would hold Cybercafes. We ran three Cybercafes concurrently, and each Cybercafe had a theme, and a sequential,… Read more »
The Smithsonian Education Institute has partnered with FableVision Studios (by Peter Reynolds) to create a series of animated videos to help science teachers understand student thinking when learning science. The… Read more »
Many teachers use Picasa Web Albums to create slideshows for their blogs. However, Edublogs has recently had a problem where the embed code only works if the teacher only stays… Read more »
An IT Integration wall is a great way to support student use of technology for learning in the classroom. There are many different approaches that you can take. One approach… Read more »
You can subscribe people to your site on Edublogs one by one, or using a csv file. Your csv file should have a column of e-mail addresses, one per cell…. Read more »
ISP assigns Google Apps accounts to children from Grade 3. This automatically provides each child with a storage space in Google Drive. We could use Google classroom, but we’ve continued… Read more »