This post is part of a larger series based on the book Coaching Approaches & Perspectives edited by Jim Knight. This post is based on sections of Chapter 4: Cognitive Coaching. Visit the Coaching category for other related posts.
There are three maps that coaches can use in Cognitive Coaching: The Planning Conversation Map, the Reflection Conversation Map, and the Problem-Resolving Map. I decided to try to visually represent my understanding of the three maps. I have very little experience with drawing and do it quite poorly, but I think I was able to represent the main ideas of the three maps. The authors stress that the stages of the map do not have to be followed in sequence, and that it may not be necessary to complete all the stages in a particular map. They also explain that it is possible to apply the maps in both formal and informal conversations; in informal conversations, the coach can also follow up on other necessary parts of the map at a future date. “The focus of coaching is on serving the needs of the person in the moment, not on completing the maps” (Jim Knight, 2008, p. 85)
* I think things got moved around in the Problem Resolving Map. The neutral face is supposed to indicate that the use of positive statements without judgement. Envision a good/healthy solution using inspiration from the states of mind to change a problem into an opportunity and then a resolution.
Book Citation: Knight, J. (Ed.). (2008). Coaching: Approaches and perspectives. Corwin Press.