Communication and Collaboration Tools at LBC10

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IT Strand Focus with Mark Benno (@markbenno)

  • Curriculum Evangelist for Apple
  • original iphone commercial (hello, hello, hello – people always asking for help, your attention). It’s not your phone ringing, it’s a barrage through different tools
  • A lot of what we’re trying to do is relationship based, not education based or technology based
  • Relational intelligence – recommended book for getting beyond issues such as not having social skills and having trouble relating to people
  • If you had to learn something new today, how would you learn it?
  • – We can’t do all of these and they are daunting for our users. Boil down to a couple of tools for your end users. Find one and stick with it as long as you can. It may be time to switch if you find a tool that transforms what you’re trying to do
  • Over 200 000 apps. How do we filter? What do you do when you’re expected to support all of them
  • Simulation using wireless digital microscope + airmicro app -> connects on wifi so that people connected on same network can use the app to get feed of whatever the microscope is focused on
  • use Quicktime Player for screen recording to create screencasts
  • Mac OS X Server Wiki (files can be downloaded but there is also the option for quick look) (find out how to do that since we use server wiki at school)
  • all the time Skype communication with colleague from other campus whose thinking is similar to Mark
  • There is no communication if the other person is not involved
  • showed college humor’s video
  • The key to being great is about the relationships, not the technology
Related Post:   Guiding Children's Technology Use

Communication and Collaborations by Katie Morrow on Slideshow


Hard to backchannel and process and listen

Not sure how effective surveys are during presentations because some of us need more processing time so there are less ideas that there would otherwise be. Note to self to be careful making conclusions, discussing trends based on surveys made during a session