Convert an Image to Text in Google Drive

Screenshot showing how to convert pdfs and images to text using OCR in Google Drive

Have you ever wanted to convert an image to text? Perhaps you’ve recently found a print out of a document or a PDF that you would like to edit digitally? Or maybe you have an image and want to  to extract the text from it. You can use Google Drive to convert .JPEG, .PNG, .GIF, or PDF files to text, as long is the file is 2MB or smaller. You can even use this process as the first step if you want to translate the text in an image or PDF to a different language. The OCR in Google Drive is quite amazing, but does have some limitations.


The format of your document will determine how accurate the conversion is. Formatting such as bold, italics, font size, font type and line breaks generally convert well with common fonts. Lists, tables, footnotes and endnotes are less successful.

Next time you want to extract text from an image, follow these steps:
  1. Upload the image to Google Drive
  2. Click on the image, and open it in Google Docs
  3. You’re done! Format the text as you like, or translate it to another language.
GIF showing steps to convert an image to text in Google Drive.
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