Epic is an online library for children 12 years old and younger. It is free for use by teachers, and cost $4.99 per month for home use.
Tools available
Search – Search and filter by age, lexile level, AR level, or fiction/nonfiction book type, or select a common search word
Browse – Look through the books recommended for the child, based on available categories and your preferences.
My Library – Access books and videos that the user has made a Favorite.
Mailbox – Access collections of books that a parent/teacher has created and sent
Profile (avatar) – See books read, the number of hours read for, and the videos watched
Hamburger (three lines) – Access profile or reading log, or sign out
Great features:
- wide selection of books
- works on Android, iOS and web
- no ads
- no in app purchases
- 30 days free trial
- up to 4 profiles allowed per household account
- differentiation is possible with individual student preferences
Area for improvement
- Let students log in using a pin such as a picture or symbol
Next Steps
Sign up for an account at Epic for Educators, or if you would like to try Epic first, check out my class.
If you are a teacher interested in using Epic in your classroom, here are some suggestions of ways to do so.
This post was originally made on http://blogs.isp.cz/esit/2017/03/15/epic-tool-for-reading-and-literacy/