When we aim for perfect, what compromises are we making in the process? Who are we leaving out of the single perfect. I’m reminded me of a recent conversation at dinner with friends. I like hearty muffins; others like light and fluffy ones. I don’t think that oatmeal belongs in desserts; many of you disagree. My concept of a perfect dessert is different than that of many of you.
One of my students shared a TED talk video on his blog this week. He made the point that perfect is not well defined because different people have different concepts of what perfect is. Perfect is ambiguous. Malcolm Gladwell presents Howard Moscowitz’s concept of many perfects, not just one perfect.
As a person, do you engage with others according to their individual needs, or do you have a single concept of engagement? How can we change our relationships and our connections by recognizing that it’s not about a single perfect, but many perfects? How can we use this broader concept of perfection to share and find happiness.