Tech Policies – Scenarios

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I think that scenarios are really useful for helping people conceptualize policies/procedures. I’m working on some scenarios for my school’s acceptable use policy and other technology procedures and guidelines. Most of them are inspired by real life events. Comments appreciated.

Case 1: Jim has a copy of Inspiration that he won at a conference. He thinks that it is a great piece of software and would like to use it on his classroom computer. What are his (legal) options?

Case 2: Sonia would like to book the computer lab during period 2 tomorrow. She checks the lab calendar but there is another class that is already booked during that time.  What should she do?

Case 3: Ethan receives an e-mail that states that he has won a free ipad. The e-mail was not caught by the spam filter but he doesn’t recognize the return address.  What should he do?

Case 4: Tony really misses American television and has found several online websites that allow him to stream his favorite shows. When is it okay for him to pursue this activity?

Case 5: You have brought your class to the computer lab. Julie can’t log in because she can’t remember her password. You are unable to locate any of the IT personnel. What do you do?

Case 6: You use USB’s to transfer work between home and school. What are your responsibilities to ensure that you don’t compromise the security of the network?

Case 7: Your students are creating presentations and would like to incorporate multimedia. You don’t want to limit their creativity but you’d like them to adhere to the AUP and respect copyright and fair use rules. What guidelines will you give them to help them select their resources?

Related Post:   Online Safety

Case 8: The parents of the students in your class have contacted you to let you know about an inappropriate comment that was posted on your wiki. The comment has since been erased and there is no record of it. What is your response?

Case 9: You have a lesson planned where you intend to incorporate technology. What sequence of steps should you take to ensure smooth execution?

Case 10: All the students in your class have web enabled phones. You would like them to use their own devices for today’s lesson. What guidelines/procedures will you put in place to ensure effective appropriate use of the technology in your class?

Case 11: Joey brings a laptop to class and puts it on top of his bag under his desk. There are no authentic, enriching ways in which a laptop will be used in your class today. You notice that it’s a library checkout. What’s your response?

Case 12: You’ve signed up for the lab but some students decide to stay in the classroom instead. Students in the lab must be monitored by a school-employed adult. What are your options?

Case 13: Your students are working on a project that incorporates moviemaking. They need to use library video cameras over the weekend. What is your response?

4 thoughts on “Tech Policies – Scenarios

  1. ktenkely

    This is such a great idea to give scenarios! So often tech departments hand out a list of policies and procedures that must be followed that is in "techy" language. When a teacher violates one of these policies it is usually unintentional and they don't know they have even done it. Much better to show teachers what it looks like so they can relate the policies to something more concrete.

  2. Troy White

    Damianne, hope you had a great summer. I’ve been dealing with legality professionalism quite a lot in my recent ITED courses. Your use of scenarios is ideal. If you want people to truly understand, then put it terms they both understand and more importantly relate to- well done. Good luck with the start of the new year!

    – Troy

    1. drpresident Post author

      Thanks for visiting Troy. Hope that you enjoyed your summer. I have my students working on scenarios in all three computer classes at the moment (6,8,9). It's fascinating the level of discussion and thought that they're putting into it. Many of my students tested as multimodal or kinesthetic in the VARK learning styles quiz that we did on the first day so there are lots of skits being prepared. I'm looking forward to recording them to share with the other classes.

      Have a good first day with students next week.

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