What is it? Collaborative story-telling website
Use it:
- create a story
Integration: Any subject but especially language arts
Purpose: Students can work with each other to create a story. If the focus is on storytelling and not drawing/artistry, this tool is useful in that it provides students with images to use.
What is it? A bibliography creator
Use it:
- easily create a bibliography using MLA, APA, Chicago or Turbian using online databases
- view citation guides
Integration: All subjects
Purpose: This tool accesses online databases to automatically complete some of the required information for your bibliography. The citation guides also teach students about methods of attribution.
What is it? World cloud creator
Use it:
- artwork
- spelling/vocabulary
- data/literature analysis
- poetry
Integration: Any subject
Purpose: Create a graphical representation of the relative frequency of each word in a list/paragraph. This may be useful for analyzing texts, or for emphasizing meaning.
Tip: Try double clicking, right clicking on a word, and advanced options