Google Slides
Google Slides is the G Suite product that lets you create presentations right in your browser. You can even work on a presentation at the same time as other people. All you need is a G suite account, which you have if you have a Gmail account. Google Slides is even easier to use with Explore. (Explore is also available in Docs and Sheets.)
Explore in Google Slides
The Explore feature was added to G Suite in September 2017. Explore can help you design better presentations in less time. Based on the content of your slide, it dynamically suggests designs. If you don’t see any suggestions, you may have too much text on the slide or your images may be too small. Try modifying those features and removing any added shapes to activate suggestions. You can use also use Explore to add images and other content to your presentation.
Add Content with Explore in Google Slides
Use explore to add content from the web or from your Google Drive. When you enter a query in Explore Search, you will receive results from the Web, Images and Drive.
Web Search
Use the Web Search results to find content from the web that you can use. A select number of results are shown in the Explore window. When you click on a link, it opens in a new tab. To see more results, you can click on See all results on Google.
Image Search
Find images and add them quickly and easily to your presentation. Hover over an image to display the + symbol and add it to your presentation. A hyperlink to the source image is automatically added to the inserted image.
Search your Google Drive for content. Clicking on a result opens the file in a new tab.
Google Slides Challenge
If you are new to Google Slides, do the tutorial from G Suite Learning in as little as 10 minutes. If you’re experienced, redesign an old presentation using Explore.
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